The UltraFacility 2024 Agenda
The abstract submission period for the UltraFacility 2024 conference has now finished and is under review by the UltraFacility co-moderating team. Each successful submission will be featured as a presentation, with acceptance criteria determined by the quality of the research and its relevance to end-user needs and the conference theme: Balancing Sustainable Growth. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please submit an enquiry.
2024 Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Deadline Passed. Abstracts submitted for consideration at the UltraFacility 2024 conference, taking place on 29 – 31 October 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona, are now under review. Those who have submitted their research have the opportunity to present at UltraFacility 2024.
Attended by 500+ fab owners, engineers, and experts from across the manufacturing value chain, UltraFacility is the only forum dedicated to addressing the complex challenges semiconductor manufacturing facilities face.
Use the tabs below to find out more about the submission process, the strict guidelines that speakers must follow, and the key topics of interest.
UltraFacility 2024 Countdown: 10/29/2024
Guidelines and further information
The UltraFacility Co-Moderating team are looking for innovative, data-driven abstracts that will provide value to conference attendees. We receive a great number of abstracts every year, and sadly can’t include all in our agenda. These guidelines have been created to ensure that our team are able to get to the bottom of what is most interesting and valuable about your presentation, thereby giving you the greatest chance to present.
Your abstract must:
- State a problem and a unique or novel solution.
- Have a presentation outline, noting the relevance and criticality of your work to the industry.
- Address the topic with sufficient data, no matter what stage your project is in.
- Offer practical conclusions or takeaways, particularly for semiconductor manufacturers and users of semiconductor technology, where applicable.
- Be easily understood by the audience.
- Not be commercial.
- Include a slide that summarizes key takeaways for fab engineers and decision makers towards the end of your presentation.
Trouble submitting your abstract? Our support team is on hand to help – Contact the UltraFacility Support Team here.
Theme & Topics
Challenges remain for integrating the transformational vision of Facility 2.0. How can we achieve the final implementation of next generation facilities and determine the future for sustainable growth? That is the remit of UltraFacility 2024, as we explore the theme of Balancing Sustainable Growth.
The industry will continue to grow at an unprecedented rate as advances in semiconductor technology are unleashing game-changing capabilities in artificial intelligence. Yet, the industry is limited in unlocking the next digital revolution it faces countless constraints.
These include the complexity of devices, and the intensity of manufacturing requirements. There is also increasing pressure to tackle resource-intensive operations, progress sustainability goals, meet workforce requirements and ensure operational reliability. In this context, innovation has taken on a new meaning: striving to find the balance between enabling the future of technology and optimizing operational and environmental sustainability.
Large and complex semiconductor facilities are like living organisms, so balance is the key to comprehending and integrating solutions. Breaking boundaries and optimizing the balance between competing priorities will require the expansion of collaboration to include all interconnected disciplines from across the facility, and across the supply chain. Only with the communication of critical needs from all relevant experts can the industry reveal the optimal balance.
See below a list of topics that our audience are interested in hearing about. This list is non-exhaustive and we are open to hearing more.

With 3D heterogeneous geometries, declining technology nodes, and new complex fab tools, how can facilities proactively address acceleratingly stringent quality parameters for chemicals, gases and water?
Topic areas include:
- Particles and particle precursors in UPW & chemicals
- Next generation UPW & liquid chemical systems
- Next generation of high purity materials
- Contamination control from the chemical supplier’s perspective
- Inline automation and AI for yield enhancement
- Advanced management of AMC & high purity gases
- Correlating yield with facility performance and the use of big data
- Analytical technology and detection limits
- Sensitivity of exhaust requirements to avoid impact to production
- Biogrowth contamination in makeup air handling & humidification
- Measuring purity

New sustainability targets, emerging contaminants, and strict regulations pose new problems. How can facilities balance water circularity, chemicals consumption, energy usage, and gas emissions?
Topic areas include:
- Chemical usage reduction and chemical reclaim
- Water reclamation into UPW systems
- PFAS reduction and regulations
- Impact of ESG goals on operating HVAC systems
- The impact of climate change/extreme weather on HVAC systems
- Wastewater complexity & regulatory changes
- Energy consumption reduction and the water-energy nexus
- Brine management
- Waste segregation strategies
- Cost-effective methods for reaching ESG goals
- Reducing air flow/managing air flow
- Idle UPW, chemical and energy consumption
- Reducing evaporative cooling demand
- Alternative chemistries due to PFAS or GWP
- Heat recovery and free cooling
- Water conservation in the community
- Advanced gas abatement technology
- Alternative technologies for wastewater treatment

More factories, bigger in scale than ever before, must be built in record time. How can facilities expand alongside supply chain issues, an expertise shortage, and material scarcity?
Topic areas include:
- Digitization & AI
- 6D/7D BIM
- Operating and maintaining expended systems
- Offsite manufacturing
- Time-to-market & commissioning
- Expertise shortage
- Supply chain issues, material shortages, procurement challenges
- Training – including AR for training (CAD)
- Construction productivity
- Materials of construction
- Logistics and cleanliness of gas/chemical delivery to the end-user
- Chemical industry reaction to semiconductor industry growth
- Impact of value engineering
- Lessons learnt from fabs recently brought online
2024 Timeline
The UltraFacility submissions process adheres to a strict timeline. Please ensure that you take note of these key deadlines, and highlight any problems to our team in advance.
April 26
Abstract Submission Deadline
June 7
Abstract Review Decision
July 26
Preliminary Presentation Draft
October 11
Final Presentation Submission
October 29 - 31
UltraFacility 2024 Conference
- April 26th: Deadline for abstract submission.
- June 7th: We will aim to inform you about the decision of the review process by this date. Please note GWI still reserves the right to remove your presentation after this stage, if it fails to provide data, is overly commercial, or does not adhere to the guidelines.
- July 26th: Preliminary presentation drafts must be submitted by this date. The UltraFacility team will aim to review and provide feedback by August 30th.
- October 11th: Final presentation must be submitted by this date. The co-moderating team will review your final presentation and provide any final comments. We will send you a reminder on your speaking engagement along with logistical information for the day of your session once the final presentation is received.
- 29th -31st October: UltraFacility 2024 Conference takes place in Phoenix, Arizona.
Other considerations:
- Your presentation will be approximately 15 minutes in length, with time set aside for Q&A.
- If your abstract is not selected for a presentation, we will use the information provided to consider your topic for a roundtable or other opportunities. however, submitting an abstract does not guarantee any speaking position.
- You can submit more than one abstract per company, so do consider different topics and different departments.
- As a part of the conference, presentations slides will be shared with conference attendees and Ultrapure Micro Members in PDF format. Any recordings of presentations and discussion sessions will also be shared where applicable. Please notify us 2 weeks prior to the conference should you wish to share an alternate version of your presentation slides or would like to have the presentation excluded from the proceedings. Should we not hear from you, we must assume we have permission to share your presentation as outlined above.